Who I am


I am an avid programmer who specializes in NLP using Python and R. I am currently working on my Java skills.


I currently work full-time as a translator translating technical German texts to English.


I like to read poetry as much as I like to write. I have privately written a couple hundred poems.


As I am fluent in English, German, and French, I like to teach them online in my spare time. I should also note that I am novice in Japanese.

Top Projects

Teki (Bachleor Thesis)

A Naïve Bayesian Approach to Assessing Literate and Oral Discourse in Nonstandard French Language Data

Emoticon and Emoji Recognizer

This project is based on a NLP Project for automatically identifying emoticons and emojis in a given string.

De Np Kongru

Determining Kongruency in German Nouns

bulk generate japanese vocab frequency

An Anki add-on for adding the word frequency to the Japanese words in a specific deck.

Word per Minute

A simple program to calculate the words per minute (WPM) that you can type.


i2pdf combines multiple images together to create a single .pdf